The staff at Wyandot Center's Frank Williams Outreach Center don't always see the results of their work to help homeless people find a path to recovery. Some people get the help, find a job, a place to live, and then move on. Sometimes they move out of the region.
So when Rick (not his real name) appeared at Frank’s earlier this year, Site Manager Cierra Nixon at first didn’t know what to think. Did this man need help? He looked well, but looks can be deceiving.
It turned out that Rick had returned to simply thank the staff at Frank’s for all they’d done. Almost two years ago, he had come to the resource center out of desperation. He’d lost his job. His car was his home. He was depressed and suicidal.
For months, the staff pulled out all the stops to help. Wyandot Center’s Supported Employment team helped with job applications. Rick got back on medications and eventually found housing.
But progress wasn’t easy. After a few months, he dropped out of services. The only thing Cierra knew was that Rick was on the verge of eviction. The staff at Frank’s never heard from him again.
Until that day earlier this year when he told Cierra that he was doing well. He has his own car, a place to live, and a job.
“He said that even though he was down and negative, we never judged him,” Cierra recalled.
Frank’s staff had given Rick the emotional support and practical tools he needed to find stability in his life. He returned simply to say how much he appreciated that they treated him with kindness—and that they were willing to do whatever it took to help him find a path to recovery.