News - Our Stories

Program Highlight: What is Attendant Care?

In mental and behavioral health services, attendant care programs play an important role in helping people of all ages achieve their treatment goals and live independently. We sat down with Amber Schmitt and Nolan Moore, who helped to shed some light on the impact of the attendant care programs at Wyandot Center & PACES. 

Reducing Stress by Simplifying Your Life

Stress is a part of life, but when it gets out of control, it can cause significant mental and physical health issues. The 2022 Stress in America poll, conducted for the American Psychological Association (APA), shows that Americans are feeling the effects of a number of stressors, including inflation, concerns about the future, community violence, work and family responsibilities.

Supporting Incarcerated Individuals During Reentry

When an incarcerated person is released from prison, having a support system in place to help them navigate the reentry process can make all the difference. That’s where the Kansas Supportive Housing for Offenders Program (KSHOP) can help.

Behavioral Health Court Adds Peer Support Specialist

Mia Morales is on mission. After becoming the third person to graduate from Wyandotte County’s Behavioral Health Court, she wants to help others in the same way that Behavioral Health Court helped her.

ArtMakers: “A Place of Acceptance and Healing”

“Art gives people a way to express themselves and get their feelings out. That is such a gift.”

For many individuals who experience mental health challenges, art provides a much needed outlet. And for the past decade, ArtMakers Place has been providing a welcoming and inclusive space where Wyandot BHN consumers can continue their recovery journey through artistic expression.

Weather Update: February 17, 2022

Due to the forecasted snow & ice for Thursday, February 17, Wyandot BHN is moving all outpatient services to telehealth.

No Words Needed: Finding Healing Through Art

“I don’t think there is always language that serves our clients in the way they deserve to be served.”

When words fail, Jordan Graves turns to art. Graves is a therapist on Wyandot Center’s Early Intervention Treatment (EIT) team, working with individuals experiencing psychosis. An artist herself, Graves has used art as a coping skill for years. Now, she’s helping others process their experiences and emotions through an art journaling group for EIT and young adult clients.

Helping The Community Heal from COVID-19

As the emotional impact of COVID-19 came into focus, Wyandot Center staff mobilized to provide counseling and support to the Wyandotte County community.

Supported Employment: Finding the Right Fit

Navigating the challenges of finding and starting a job or getting an education can be difficult under any circumstances, but especially so during a pandemic. Over the past year, Wyandot Center’s Supported Employment team has stepped up to help individuals work through these unique circumstances.

SOAR Team Helping Individuals Who Are Homeless Get Their Life Back

For an individual who is homeless and living with a Severe and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI), wrap-around supports can make all the difference. That is exactly what Wyandot Center’s SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery) team offers.

“No Wrong Door”: Wyandot Center & RSI Merge Crisis Services

When an individual is in crisis, having quick and easy access to a continuum of crisis services is important. That’s exactly what a recent merging of adult crisis services between Wyandot Center and RSI hopes to accomplish.

The Importance of Early Intervention in Psychosis

For individuals experiencing psychosis for the first time, the sudden nature of the first episode can not only be jarring, but downright scary as well. That’s where Wyandot Center’s Early Intervention Team (EIT) steps in to help support and manage those early experiences.

“People can live really happy, fulfilling lives while still hearing voices and experiencing delusions,” says Jordan Graves, EIT Therapist. “It’s just the fear and confusion that disrupts their lives. It takes you a really long time to make sense of what’s going on when things change so fast. That’s what makes early intervention so important.”